Museum Purchase Award Winner at the Springville Museum, Spiritual and Religious Show, October 2024

I am so grateful to the Springville Museum for the Museum Purchase Award at the Spiritual and Religious Art Show for my piece “Bread of Life (Command These Stones).” I am a little wistful that the 3 Temptation pieces will be broken up, but grateful nonetheless. Congrats to all the other awardees and entrants! The show is truly outstanding. I have included a handful of artists’ works from the show. I wish I could have included all my faves, but I simply did not have photographs of them all, and it was a packed event. But enjoy the works of the following artists. Be sure to check out the show in person, which will be up until Jan 8th.
I also feel especially grateful for the extremely generous compliments of Dr. Vern Swanson, who I think had a big input, as did Emily Larsen, the current Museum Director. Although I am not sure I am of the same opinion, by he keeps telling me that I am, dare I say, the greatest LDS artist alive today. I blush at this, and it is surely only one man's opinion, yet I am grateful that my work is again in a public space permanently.